Monday, September 3, 2012

VFX case study

Zhen Hou
Visual Effect I
Raul Moreno

Avatar Outline

I.               Introduction
A.     How the Avatar movie idea came to be
B.     Important people that was involved in making of this movie
C.     How to they made Avatar
1.     Hardwares
2.     Softwares
II.             Body
A.     Technology that they used
1.Concept art
2. 3D
3.Special effect
5. Etc.
                    B.    How does the whole process works
                           1. Preproduction
                           2. Revising
                           3. Final Production
                           4. Distribution
                    C.    Problems that they over came
                           1. Physical problems
                           2. Software problems
                           2. Production cost, time and also income
       III.       Conclusion
A.     Based on all the technology and talented people, came with the final product
B.     How their way of movie shooting style going to inspire or revolutionize the movie industry

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